When to neuter Bernedoodle? Essential for family Bernedoodles

The neutering of a Bernedoodle corresponds to its reproductive organ. The neutering of a Bernedoodle is done to prevent it from any sexual attention. When a dog is young, getting a neutered procedure is very common. There are many reasons to neuter a dog, and one of the most important reasons is to prevent reproduction.

The neutering process is basically about getting rid of all or large parts of the reproductive organs. Some people think that this term is specific for males, but it is also used for female Bernedoodle.

Neutering is essential for any Bernedoodle when you are not planning further breeding. Early neutering has many benefits, including reducing the likelihood of certain types of cancer, controlling behavior, and preventing urinary tract infections in puppies.

When to neuter a Bernedoodle

When we talk about the timing of the Bernedoodle neutering, it can vary depending upon your Bernedoodle. Usually, people recommend the Bernedoodle neutering at the age of six months. But some people also neuter their Bernedoodle at the age of 12 to 14 months. So we can say the neutering timing depends on your Bernedoodle.

Different factors can affect the timing of the Bernedoodle neutering. Let’s discuss these factors to know more about the timing of the Bernedoodle neutering.


Growth is an essential factor that can play a role in Bernedoodle neutering because neutering can affect the muscle development of your Bernedoodle. Usually, neuter Bernedoodle muscles grow at a slower rate as compared to non-neuter Bernedoodle. So if you think that your Bernedoodles are growing at a healthier pace, you can go for neutering earlier. But if you believe it’s already growing at a slower rate, the neutering can further slow its growth rate. This can be the main difference between neuter and non-neuter Bernedoodle.


Aggression is another factor that can play a role in Bernedoodle neutering. Muscle and bone development are also important, but when you think your Bernedoodle is showing aggression, you can go for the neutering earlier. In that case, you can go for neutering at the age of six months. I think it’s not harmful to the Bernedoodle.


Some Bernedoodles develop bad habits that are not good for the Bernedoodles. Especially for a family Bernedoodle. If you think your Bernedoodle has any such bad habit, you can go for neutering earlier.

Breeder and vet advice

Breeder and vet’s advice is also important about neutering your Bernedoodle. But some breeders have a contract with the buyers about the neutering Bernedoodle at the age of six months. They don’t focus so much on the other factors. They want you to neuter the puppy at the age of six months. Don’t go for these types of breeders. It would be best if you neutered your Bernedoodle according to your Bernedoodle growth and veterinarian advice.


From all the above discussion, we can conclude that neutering is essential for the Bernedoodle to adjust to a family. Usually, a  Bernedoodle can be neutered at the age of six months. But you can also wait until the age of 12 to 14 months depending upon different factors as discussed above. If you are not sure, please consult your veterinarian if you have any questions about when your dog should be neutered.

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