How long after water breaks does Bernedoodle have puppies? Depends upon size and many other factors

How long after water breaks does Bernedoodle have puppies? Depends upon size and many other factors

The water break in the dogs usually during the first stage of labor. During this stage, a dog tries to push their baby out of the body. So you can easily judge when your dog is pushing, so you are there at the time of delivery. This fluid is more like the water which protects…

What is the Coloring on a Bernedoodle? All Colors of Bernedoodle Breed

What is the Coloring on a Bernedoodle? All Colors of Bernedoodle Breed

The Bernedoodles come in many different bi and tri-colors depending upon their parents and generations. When we talk about the first generation Bernedoodles, they come in traditional bi-color and tri-colors. These colors include the tri-color phantom, phantom, tri-color sable, sable phantom, sable and white, brindle and white, black, black and white, Party, tri-color merle, merle…