How to stop Bernedoodle from barking?

If your Bernedoodle’s barking is becoming a concern, you’re not alone. Excessive barking can be frustrating, but understanding the reasons behind this behavior and implementing effective strategies can help.

Why Do Bernedoodles Bark?

Bernedoodles are like all other dogs they use barking as a form of communication. Common reasons for excessive barking include:

  • Territorial Behavior: Bernedoodles may bark to protect their territory or family. This behavior can be triggered by strangers or other animals approaching their space.
  • Separation Anxiety: These dogs can become anxious when left alone, leading to persistent barking.
  • Boredom and Lack of Stimulation: Without sufficient mental and physical activities, Bernedoodles may bark out of boredom.
  • Attention-Seeking: Sometimes, barking is simply a way to get your attention.
  • Fear and Anxiety: Loud noises, unfamiliar environments, or other stressors can cause barking.
  • Excitement: Playtime and the arrival of guests can also trigger barking out of excitement?.

How to Stop Your Bernedoodle from Barking

Here are some effective methods to manage and reduce your Bernedoodle’s barking:

stop bernedoodle dog from barking

Identify the Cause: Understanding why your Bernedoodle is barking is the first step. Observe their behavior and the context in which the barking occurs?.

1. Training and Commands:

  • Teach the “Quiet” Command: Train your dog to understand the “quiet” command. Start by teaching them to bark on command with “speak,” then follow it with “quiet” and reward them when they stop barking?.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Reward your Bernedoodle when they remain quiet. Treats, praise, or playtime can be effective rewards?

2. Reduce Triggers:

  • Visual Barriers: If your dog barks at passersby, consider using curtains or moving them to a less visually stimulating environment?.
  • Desensitization: Gradually expose your Bernedoodle to the stimuli that cause them to bark, paired with positive reinforcement for calm behavior.

3. Provide Adequate Stimulation:

  • Exercise and Play: Ensure your Bernedoodle gets enough physical activity and mental stimulation through walks, playtime, and interactive toys?.
  • Enrichment Activities: Puzzle toys, training sessions, and socialization with other dogs can keep their mind engaged and reduce boredom-related barking?.

4. Manage Separation Anxiety:

  • Gradual Desensitization: Gradually increase the time your dog spends alone to help them get used to your absence. Providing them with toys or leaving a TV or radio on can also help.

5. Ignore Attention-Seeking Barking:

  • Do Not Reward Barking: Avoid giving attention when your dog barks for attention. Instead, wait until they are quiet and then reward them with attention or treats.

6. Consider working with a certified dog trainer

  • Make a Plan: If you are having trouble stopping your Bernedoodle from barking, you may want to consider working with a certified dog trainer. A trainer can help you to develop a personalized plan to address the specific reasons for your Bernedoodle’s barking.


Bernedoodles are friendly and intelligent dogs, but their vocal nature can sometimes be disruptive and frustrating for their owners. Common reasons for barking include boredom, loneliness, fear or anxiety, attention-seeking, and guarding behavior. To address and reduce this barking, it’s essential first to understand the underlying cause and make a plan to resolve the issue.

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