How to stop Bernedoodle from barking?

Bernedoodles are friendly and intelligent dogs but they can be quite vocal which can be disruptive and frustrating for their owners. Here are a few things you can do to stop your Bernedoodle from barking:

how to stop Bernedoodle from barking

Understand why your Bernedoodle is barking

1. Boredom

Bernedoodles, like any other dog, they communicate through barking, and there could be several reasons behind it. One of the most common reasons why Bernedoodles bark is boredom. Since Bernedoodles are energetic dogs, they need plenty of physical and mental stimulation to keep them engaged. If they’re left alone for long periods without any interaction or activity, they may start barking out of boredom.

2. Loneliness

Loneliness is another reason why Bernedoodles bark. They’re affectionate dogs and thrive on human interaction. If they’re left alone for extended periods, they may feel lonely and start barking to get attention.

3. Fear and Anxiety

Fear and anxiety are also common reasons for Bernedoodles to bark. They may bark when they encounter new people, objects, or situations that they find intimidating or threatening. In such cases, it’s essential to identify the triggers and work on desensitizing the dog to reduce their fear and anxiety.

4. Attention-Seeking

Attention-seeking is another reason why Bernedoodles bark. If they want something, such as food, water, or playtime, they may bark to get your attention.

Finally, guarding behavior is another reason why Bernedoodles bark. They may bark to protect their territory, toys, or family members from perceived threats. In such cases, it’s essential to teach them appropriate behavior and boundaries to ensure they don’t become too aggressive.

Developing a Plan to Stop the Barking Behavior

Once you understand why your Bernedoodle is barking, you can start to develop a plan to stop the behavior. This could include providing more mental and physical stimulation, addressing any underlying anxiety or fear, or training them to be less reactive to certain stimuli.

1. Provide Exercise and stimulation

Bernedoodles are social creatures and they thrive on interaction. Make sure your Bernedoodle is getting enough exercise and mental stimulation to keep them from getting bored or restless. A tired dog is a good dog!

2. Avoid leaving alone for long periods of time

If you have to leave your Bernedoodle home alone, make sure they have something to do, such as a puzzle toy or a frozen Kong filled with treats. This will keep them occupied and prevent boredom.

3. Desensitize your Bernedoodle to triggers

If your Bernedoodle is barking out of fear or anxiety, you can help them to overcome their fears by gradually exposing them to the triggers in a controlled environment. This will help them to feel more comfortable and less anxious.

4. Ignore the barking

If your Bernedoodle is barking for attention, the best way to stop the behavior is to ignore them. This may be difficult at first, but eventually, your Bernedoodle will learn that barking does not get them what they want.

5. Use Positive reinforcement

When your Bernedoodle is quiet, be sure to praise them and give them a treat. This will help them to associate being quiet with positive things and encourage them to continue good behavior.

6. Consider working with a certified dog trainer

If you are having trouble stopping your Bernedoodle from barking, you may want to consider working with a certified dog trainer. A trainer can help you to develop a personalized plan to address the specific reasons for your Bernedoodle’s barking.


In conclusion, Bernedoodles are friendly and intelligent dogs, but they can be quite vocal, which can be disruptive and frustrating for their owners. Boredom, loneliness, fear/anxiety, attention-seeking, and guarding behavior are some of the most common reasons why Bernedoodles bark. To stop the barking behavior, you should first understand why your Bernedoodle is barking and then develop a plan to address the specific reasons behind it. Providing more exercise and mental stimulation, avoiding leaving your dog alone for long periods, desensitizing them to triggers, ignoring the barking, using positive reinforcement, and working with a certified dog trainer are some effective ways to stop your Bernedoodle from barking excessively. With patience, consistency, and dedication, you can help your Bernedoodle to become a well-behaved and happy companion.

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