Blog Archives All about Bernedoodle Dog Sun, 24 Dec 2023 13:01:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blog Archives 32 32 How to stop Bernedoodle from barking? Sun, 24 Dec 2023 00:00:56 +0000 Bernedoodles are friendly and intelligent dogs but they can be quite vocal which can be disruptive and frustrating for their owners. Here are a few things you can do to stop your Bernedoodle from barking: Understand why your Bernedoodle is barking 1. Boredom Bernedoodles, like any other dog, they communicate through barking, and there could...

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Bernedoodles are friendly and intelligent dogs but they can be quite vocal which can be disruptive and frustrating for their owners. Here are a few things you can do to stop your Bernedoodle from barking:

how to stop Bernedoodle from barking

Understand why your Bernedoodle is barking

1. Boredom

Bernedoodles, like any other dog, they communicate through barking, and there could be several reasons behind it. One of the most common reasons why Bernedoodles bark is boredom. Since Bernedoodles are energetic dogs, they need plenty of physical and mental stimulation to keep them engaged. If they’re left alone for long periods without any interaction or activity, they may start barking out of boredom.

2. Loneliness

Loneliness is another reason why Bernedoodles bark. They’re affectionate dogs and thrive on human interaction. If they’re left alone for extended periods, they may feel lonely and start barking to get attention.

3. Fear and Anxiety

Fear and anxiety are also common reasons for Bernedoodles to bark. They may bark when they encounter new people, objects, or situations that they find intimidating or threatening. In such cases, it’s essential to identify the triggers and work on desensitizing the dog to reduce their fear and anxiety.

4. Attention-Seeking

Attention-seeking is another reason why Bernedoodles bark. If they want something, such as food, water, or playtime, they may bark to get your attention.

Finally, guarding behavior is another reason why Bernedoodles bark. They may bark to protect their territory, toys, or family members from perceived threats. In such cases, it’s essential to teach them appropriate behavior and boundaries to ensure they don’t become too aggressive.

Developing a Plan to Stop the Barking Behavior

Once you understand why your Bernedoodle is barking, you can start to develop a plan to stop the behavior. This could include providing more mental and physical stimulation, addressing any underlying anxiety or fear, or training them to be less reactive to certain stimuli.

1. Provide Exercise and stimulation

Bernedoodles are social creatures and they thrive on interaction. Make sure your Bernedoodle is getting enough exercise and mental stimulation to keep them from getting bored or restless. A tired dog is a good dog!

2. Avoid leaving alone for long periods of time

If you have to leave your Bernedoodle home alone, make sure they have something to do, such as a puzzle toy or a frozen Kong filled with treats. This will keep them occupied and prevent boredom.

3. Desensitize your Bernedoodle to triggers

If your Bernedoodle is barking out of fear or anxiety, you can help them to overcome their fears by gradually exposing them to the triggers in a controlled environment. This will help them to feel more comfortable and less anxious.

4. Ignore the barking

If your Bernedoodle is barking for attention, the best way to stop the behavior is to ignore them. This may be difficult at first, but eventually, your Bernedoodle will learn that barking does not get them what they want.

5. Use Positive reinforcement

When your Bernedoodle is quiet, be sure to praise them and give them a treat. This will help them to associate being quiet with positive things and encourage them to continue good behavior.

6. Consider working with a certified dog trainer

If you are having trouble stopping your Bernedoodle from barking, you may want to consider working with a certified dog trainer. A trainer can help you to develop a personalized plan to address the specific reasons for your Bernedoodle’s barking.


In conclusion, Bernedoodles are friendly and intelligent dogs, but they can be quite vocal, which can be disruptive and frustrating for their owners. Boredom, loneliness, fear/anxiety, attention-seeking, and guarding behavior are some of the most common reasons why Bernedoodles bark. To stop the barking behavior, you should first understand why your Bernedoodle is barking and then develop a plan to address the specific reasons behind it. Providing more exercise and mental stimulation, avoiding leaving your dog alone for long periods, desensitizing them to triggers, ignoring the barking, using positive reinforcement, and working with a certified dog trainer are some effective ways to stop your Bernedoodle from barking excessively. With patience, consistency, and dedication, you can help your Bernedoodle to become a well-behaved and happy companion.

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How to Improve your Bernedoodle Confidence? Fri, 12 May 2023 00:00:27 +0000 Bernedoodles, a popular designer breed, are widely recognized for their exceptional traits of friendliness, loyalty, and intelligence. These endearing dogs can bring immense joy and companionship to their owners. However, it’s important to note that just like humans, Bernedoodles can exhibit varying personality traits, and some individuals may display shyness or timidity. If you happen...

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Bernedoodles, a popular designer breed, are widely recognized for their exceptional traits of friendliness, loyalty, and intelligence. These endearing dogs can bring immense joy and companionship to their owners. However, it’s important to note that just like humans, Bernedoodles can exhibit varying personality traits, and some individuals may display shyness or timidity.

If you happen to have a shy Bernedoodle, rest assured that there are effective strategies you can employ to boost their confidence and help them overcome their inhibitions. By implementing these techniques, you can create a nurturing environment that allows your timid Bernedoodle to flourish and fully enjoy their interactions with both humans and other animals.

how to improve confidence of your bernedoodle

Unlock Your Shy Bernedoodle’s Confidence: Expert Tips for Success

As a dedicated dog expert, I understand the challenges of nurturing a shy Bernedoodle. These gentle and intelligent companions possess a world of potential, and with the right approach, you can help them blossom into confident, happy dogs. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into proven strategies that will empower you to unlock your Bernedoodle’s confidence and transform their life for the better.

1. Crate Training: Creating a Safe Haven

One powerful technique that can instill a sense of security in your Bernedoodle is crate training. The crate serves as their own private sanctuary—a place where they can retreat, relax, and feel protected from the outside world. By gradually introducing your dog to the crate and associating it with positive experiences, you can help alleviate anxiety and enhance their confidence levels.

2. Removing Anxiety Triggers: A Calm Environment

Identifying and eliminating anxiety triggers is pivotal in fostering your Bernedoodle’s confidence. Take note of specific situations or stimuli that induce fear or stress in your dog, such as loud noises or certain activities. To create a calming environment, make efforts to minimize exposure to these triggers whenever possible, allowing your Bernedoodle to feel at ease in their surroundings.

3. Establishing a Regular Routine: The Power of Structure

Dogs thrive on routine, and Bernedoodles are no exception. Implementing a consistent schedule for feeding, exercise, and playtime can work wonders in bolstering your dog’s confidence. A well-structured routine provides a reassuring framework that enables your Bernedoodle to anticipate and understand their daily activities, enhancing their overall sense of security and stability.

4. Socialization: Building Confidence Through Positive Experiences

Socialization is a vital component in the confidence-building journey of a shy Bernedoodle. Gradually exposing your dog to new people, animals, and environments can expand their comfort zone and gradually desensitize them to unfamiliar situations. Begin by introducing your Bernedoodle to calm and quiet settings, gradually increasing the complexity and intensity of social interactions as they grow more comfortable and confident.

5. Obedience Training: Empowering Your Bernedoodle

Obedience training plays a significant role in enhancing your Bernedoodle’s confidence by providing them with clear expectations and boundaries. Start with basic commands such as sit, stay, and come, and gradually progress to more advanced instructions. Consistency, positive reinforcement, and rewards will empower your Bernedoodle to succeed and boost their self-assurance as they master new skills.

6. Patience and Consistency: The Key to Success

Patience and consistency are indispensable when nurturing a shy Bernedoodle’s confidence. Building trust and overcoming shyness takes time, so maintain unwavering dedication and resilience throughout the process. By consistently implementing training techniques, offering love and attention, ensuring ample exercise, and refraining from punishing your dog for their shyness, you are on the path to helping your Bernedoodle flourish.

Additional Expert Tips

In addition to the core strategies outlined above, there are a few more invaluable tips to boost your shy Bernedoodle’s confidence:

  1. Shower your dog with love and attention, providing a nurturing and supportive environment.
  2. Ensure your Bernedoodle receives ample physical exercise, as a tired dog is often a calmer and more confident dog.
  3. Avoid punishing your dog for their shyness, as this can exacerbate their anxiety and hinder progress.
  4. Reward your Bernedoodle for positive behaviors and achievements, reinforcing their confidence and encouraging continued growth.
  5. Consult with your veterinarian if you have concerns about your dog’s shyness, as they can offer professional guidance tailored to your specific situation.


Remember, the transformation from a shy Bernedoodle to a confident and happy companion is a journey that requires patience, consistency, and love throughout this process. Embrace the journey with your Bernedoodle, celebrating each milestone and small victory along the way. With your dedication and commitment, your shy Bernedoodle will gradually emerge from their shell, becoming a confident, well-adjusted, and happy member of your family.

Always keep in mind that every dog is unique, and the timeline for progress may vary. Stay attuned to your Bernedoodle’s needs, adjust your approach as necessary, and don’t hesitate to seek guidance from professionals if needed.

Above all, cherish the bond you share with your Bernedoodle and savor the joy of witnessing their transformation. Together, you can unlock their true potential and provide them with a life filled with confidence, happiness, and unconditional love.

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When should we get Bernedoodle first hair cut? Thu, 11 May 2023 00:00:05 +0000 Many dog owners are curious about their Bernedoodle’s first visit to the groomer for a haircut. They always desire their Bernedoodles to look perfect, but they must be patient and wait for their Bernedoodle’s actual coat to fully develop. Typically, the true coat of a Bernedoodle emerges between 5 to 6 months of age. Therefore,...

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Many dog owners are curious about their Bernedoodle’s first visit to the groomer for a haircut. They always desire their Bernedoodles to look perfect, but they must be patient and wait for their Bernedoodle’s actual coat to fully develop. Typically, the true coat of a Bernedoodle emerges between 5 to 6 months of age. Therefore, it is recommended to schedule the first haircut around this time, once the Bernedoodle’s adult coat has grown in.

The timing for the first Bernedoodle haircut is not set in stone. You can choose the appropriate time based on your Bernedoodle’s individual characteristics. When you notice that the fluffy fur of your Bernedoodle has transitioned into its actual coat, you can then take it for its first haircut. Prior to scheduling the appointment, it is advisable to browse some hairstyle pictures to determine the desired look. Keep in mind that the timing of the initial visit to the groomer may vary depending on several factors. Let’s explore these factors to better understand when the first Bernedoodle haircut should take place.

when do get Bernedoodle first hair cut

Coat Type:

The type of coat your Bernedoodle possesses can influence the timing of its first haircut. Straight hair coats generally grow at a faster rate compared to other coat types. Consequently, Bernedoodles with straight hair may require an earlier first haircut than those with wavy or curly coats. In general, Bernedoodles with wavy and curly coats should have their first haircut after reaching 5 to 6 months of age.

Hair Growth:

Bernedoodle’s hair growth can vary, with certain individuals experiencing more rapid growth depending on their environment and diet. Therefore, it is important to regularly monitor your Bernedoodle’s hair growth to maintain its ideal appearance. If you feel that your Bernedoodle puppy is in need of its first haircut, you can take it to the groomer accordingly.


Weather conditions also play a significant role in determining the timing of your Bernedoodle’s first haircut. If you find the weather too hot for your Bernedoodle to comfortably handle, it is advisable to schedule the first haircut earlier than usual. However, in colder weather, your Bernedoodle may benefit from the longer hair, and thus, you can follow the normal timing for the first haircut.

Coat Condition:

The condition of your Bernedoodle’s coat can also influence the timing of its first haircut. If you believe that your Bernedoodle’s coat looks unsightly for any reason, you may opt to take your Bernedoodle puppy for its first haircut.

In conclusion, based on the aforementioned factors, it is generally recommended to give a Bernedoodle puppy its first haircut after 5 to 6 months. However, there may be circumstances where a haircut is necessary before or after this timeframe, taking into account considerations such as weather, hair growth, and coat type, among others.

Read Some Famous F.A.Qs:

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When do Bernedoodle puppies get their adult coat? Sun, 02 Apr 2023 00:00:52 +0000 Bernedoodle puppies, with their soft and fluffy fur, capture our hearts. However, it’s essential to understand when their adorable puppy coat transitions into their adult coat. In this article, we will explore the timeline for Bernedoodle puppies to acquire their adult coat and the factors that can influence this development. As a dog expert, I...

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Bernedoodle puppies, with their soft and fluffy fur, capture our hearts. However, it’s essential to understand when their adorable puppy coat transitions into their adult coat. In this article, we will explore the timeline for Bernedoodle puppies to acquire their adult coat and the factors that can influence this development. As a dog expert, I will provide valuable insights

When do Bernedoodle puppies get their adult coat

Bernedoodle puppies are born with a delightful, soft, and fluffy coat that aids in temperature regulation. However, this initial coat is not their permanent look. As these puppies grow, they undergo a significant transformation, developing an adult coat that distinguishes them. Let’s delve into when Bernedoodle puppies typically acquire their adult coat and the factors that affect this process.

Timing of the Adult Coat:

The transition from a puppy coat to an adult coat in Bernedoodles usually occurs between 4 to 6 months of age. However, it’s important to note that the timing can vary from one puppy to another. In some cases, it may take up to a year for the adult coat to fully develop.

During this transition, you may observe shedding, but due to the short hairs, it might go unnoticed. Additionally, Bernedoodles may go through an “ugly” phase, where their appearance seems less appealing.

Let’s explore the factors that contribute to the timing of the adult coat.

1. Size

The size of a Bernedoodle plays a role in when they develop their adult coat. Generally, smaller Bernedoodles take a bit longer to acquire their adult coat compared to larger ones. So, if you have a tiny Bernedoodle, you may need to exercise patience, as their coat development may be slightly delayed compared to standard-sized Bernedoodles.

2. Coat type

The type of coat of a Bernedoodle can impact the timing of its adult coat. Straight-haired Bernedoodles tend to develop their adult coat sooner than those with wavy or curly coats. Keep in mind that each coat type has its unique charm and beauty.

3. Environment

The environment in which a Bernedoodle resides can influence the timing of their adult coat. Bernedoodles in pleasant and moderate climates often develop their adult coat earlier. Therefore, ensuring your Bernedoodle is in a suitable environment can promote timely coat development.

4. Growth

The growth rate of a Bernedoodle can affect when it acquires its adult coat. Bernedoodles that experience rapid growth tend to develop their adult coat earlier than those with slower growth rates. Each Bernedoodle grows at its own pace, so it’s important to be patient and monitor their growth and coat development.


In conclusion, Bernedoodle puppies eventually outgrow their adorable puppy coat, transitioning into a magnificent adult coat. The timing for this transformation generally occurs between 4 to 6 months, but it can take up to a year. Various factors, including size, coat type, environment, and growth rate, influence the timing of the adult coat. As a dog expert, I encourage you to embrace each stage of your Bernedoodle’s growth and appreciate the unique characteristics of their adult coat. With proper care and attention, your Bernedoodle will showcase a beautiful and distinct appearance that brings joy to your life.

Read Some Famous F.A.Qs:

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Do Bernedoodles have undercoats? Yes, It’s True! Sat, 01 Apr 2023 13:17:34 +0000 The question we often receive is whether Bernedoodles have undercoats? The answer is yes. When it comes to dogs, most of them have two types of coats: an undercoat and an overcoat. However, Bernedoodles specifically have an undercoat, which is referred to as their hair coat. As Bernedoodles grow, they may lose some of their...

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The question we often receive is whether Bernedoodles have undercoats? The answer is yes. When it comes to dogs, most of them have two types of coats: an undercoat and an overcoat. However, Bernedoodles specifically have an undercoat, which is referred to as their hair coat. As Bernedoodles grow, they may lose some of their hair, and their hair coat may change in color during different stages of their life. The black coat of a Bernedoodle often transitions into silver as the dog ages.

Typically, we can determine if a dog will experience coat fading based on their genes. Unfortunately, there is currently no test available to identify the fading gene in Bernedoodles. The only way to prevent coat fading in Bernedoodles is by choosing poodle parents that do not possess the fading gene.

do Bernedoodles have undercoats
do Bernedoodles have undercoats

Now, let’s delve into the different types of undercoats found in Bernedoodles.

Bernedoodle Undercoat Types

Bernedoodle dogs are a crossbreed between Bernese Mountain Dogs and Poodles. Their coats can vary in color, thickness, and consistency. In first-generation Bernedoodles, the puppies may have coats that resemble either the Poodle or the Bernese Mountain Dog. First-generation Bernedoodles tend to exhibit more predictable traits inherited from their parents compared to other generations.

When it comes to coat color, Bernedoodles can be black, brown, or solid black. They can also come in single-color, double-color, or tricolor variations. The most common color pattern among Bernedoodles is the tri-color coat, which typically features white, black, and brown colors. The tri-color coat closely resembles that of the Bernese Mountain Dog. In some cases, the colors of the tri-color Bernedoodle coat are more evenly distributed. This coat type is often preferred by people over other color variations.

| Do bernedoodle need regular hair cut?

Bernedoodles generally have thick hair, which helps them withstand cold weather conditions and provides protection from the heat during the summer. Bernedoodles can have three types of coats: straight hair coat, curly coat, and wavy coat.

1. Straight hair coat 


The straight hair coat is leasThe straight hair coat is the least hypoallergenic compared to the other coat types. Bernedoodles with straight hair coats also tend to shed the most. Although this coat type is called “straight hair,” it may still have a slight wave. The length of the straight hair coat depends on the length of the parents’ hair. Straight hair Bernedoodles are less common compared to their curly and wavy-haired counterparts.

2. Wavy hair coat


The wavy coat is the most common type found in Bernedoodles. Bernedoodles with wavy coats typically have coats that shed less or do not shed at all compared to other types. This coat type provides a free-flowing appearance to the Bernedoodle.

3. Curly hair coat

Curly hair coat Bernedoodles are the most hypoallergenic among all the Bernedoodle coat types. The curls in their coat are usually tight, similar to those of a Poodle. While these Bernedoodles do shed, their hair typically does not end up on the floor. Curly-haired Bernedoodles require regular trimming and brushing. People with allergies often prefer curly-haired Bernedoodles. If you want to minimize shedding, choosing a Bernedoodle with a curlier hair coat type is recommended.

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If you are considering getting a Bernedoodle for your family, you may prefer one with low shedding and hypoallergenic features.

Conclusion on do Bernedoodles have undercoats?

If you are concerned about coat fading, it is advisable to select poodle parents without fading genes. While there is currently no test available to determine the fading gene in Bernedoodles, making an informed choice in breeding can help prevent coat fading.

In summary, Bernedoodles have undercoats, and their coats can vary in color, thickness, and consistency. Understanding the different coat types and their characteristics can assist you in selecting the ideal Bernedoodle for your family. With proper care and attention, you can enjoy the company of a well-groomed and healthy Bernedoodle for years to come.

To maintain their coats, Bernedoodles should be groomed regularly, with brushing recommended three to four times a week for optimal results. Professional grooming every six to eight weeks is also necessary. By providing the necessary care and grooming, you can ensure that your Bernedoodle’s coat remains healthy and beautiful.

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What are the 5 Most Common Illnesses in Dogs ? Symptoms and Preventions Sun, 09 Oct 2022 11:16:58 +0000 Having a dog seems like it’s all fetch and pats on the head; owning one should not be taken lightly. Many diseases can befall dogs, and it’s important to be aware of the most common illnesses in dogs to keep them healthy. Much like a child, a dog can get sick too – especially because...

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Having a dog seems like it’s all fetch and pats on the head; owning one should not be taken lightly. Many diseases can befall dogs, and it’s important to be aware of the most common illnesses in dogs to keep them healthy. Much like a child, a dog can get sick too – especially because we often let them roam around outside with little supervision.

This is not a Medical Advise or Prescription. Always consult your vet for any emergency or treatment. This is only a guide for you to understand symptoms.

It’s not uncommon for a dog to get into the trash bin, drink from ponds and yes, even eat other
animals’ excrement. If your dog has been raised outside, chances are they have done this
before and maybe even didn’t have complications later. Still, it’s important to not only watch your
dog while outside but also watch for key signs that they might be getting sick.
Yearly checkups are a great way to keep your pup’s health in check. Pet Insurance companies
can help ensure you get an appointment and catch up on your dog’s health.

1. Ear Infections

These are one of the most common issues with dogs. From swimming in the ocean to playing
in the snow, a dog’s ears are one of the most sensitive parts of its body.
Bacteria in the water, climate changes, and even soap can all cause irritation to your dog. If left
untreated, these infections can even cause hearing loss and other permanent damage.

Common Symptoms:

? Odor in the ear
? Redness inside of the ear
? Yellow, brown, or bloody discharge
? Scratching or pawing at the ear
? Swelling of the ear
? Head shaking or tilting
? Crusts or scabs just inside the ear
? Rubbing ear on floor or furniture

2. Dental Issues

Just like humans, dogs can get diseases such as gingivitis, cavities, and dental abscesses. This
is just another reason that it’s important to have insurance for your pet. Most commonly, periodontitis is reported in dogs. This disease can spread to the bones of your pet’s jaw and cause irreversible damage. Worst of all, it can be a difficult infection to spot.

Common Symptoms:

? Discolored teeth
? Excessively bad breath
? Excessive drooling
? Been bleeding on toys

It may be time to get them checked out by a professional. Remember, dogs can’t ask for
help, so please keep a close eye on your pet at all times to make sure that they are
getting the proper care and attention they need!

3. Urinary Problems

While it may not be as common as it is with humans, some dogs – especially young
females – tend to have urinary issues. This includes UTIs and other related illnesses.

Some things to watch for are:

? Bloody/cloudy urine
? Accidents in the house
? Straining or whimpering during urination
? Fever
? More frequent trips to the bathroom
? Licking

These types of urinary issues can do terrible damage to a dog’s liver and other internal
organs if left untreated. Luckily, UTIs can be easily fixed! However, there are many other
diseases that these symptoms could be hinting at. You must consult your vet before drawing any conclusions on your own.

4. Obesity

While it may seem silly to think that pets can become obese – it is usually the fault of the owner.
We understand, those eyes and ears seem to work the treats right out of your hands and into
their mouths.
Still, you should not be giving your pet treats so frequently that they gain a significant amount of
weight. And, while a doctor can tell you if your pet is medically obese, there are many ways to
avoid weight gain in furry friends.


? Using ice cubes as “treats.”
? Going for walks
? More  Playtime
? Less frequent treats
All of these things tie together and help towards lowering and maintaining a healthy weight for
your pup.

5. Parasites and Worms

Five main types of worms commonly affect domestic dogs: heartworms, roundworms, tapeworms, whipworms, and hookworms. If your dog vomits with visible worms in it. This is probably the most obvious sign that something is right with your dog.

What should you do:

Dogs do vomit from time to time for different reasons and sometimes, it may be a problem that resolves itself. However, if your dog continues to throw up or has diarrhea or a combination of these symptoms, it’s best to take them to the vet.
These symptoms are signs that your dog may have eaten something with worms or parasites in
it. Tapeworms are another common issue with dogs who venture outside often. These can easily
be cured with help from your vet. Always check if your dog is acting strangely or continuing to have symptoms.

How Can I Keep My Dog Healthy?

There are a few things that you can do to help keep your dog healthy:

1. Vaccinate your dog regularly:

This is one of the best ways to prevent illnesses from affecting your dog’s health. Make sure to get them vaccinated against common diseases like rabies, parvovirus, distemper, and kennel cough.

2. Clean up their environment:

This includes cleaning their Kennel area regularly (at least once a week) and making sure that they never have access to dirty water or toys that could contain bacteria or parasites.

3. Provide plenty of good food and water:

Make sure that their diet consists mostly of dry food rather than wet food (which can contain unhealthy fats).

If you make sure just of these three things, you will never be in trouble. We hope our guide has helped you understand common illnesses in dogs and what you can do to prevent them. If you still have any questions for us, write them down in the comments. We will make sure to reply as soon as possible. Thank you

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Why do Bernedoodles Eat Socks? What Can i Do about it? Tue, 08 Mar 2022 05:10:20 +0000 Dogs like to chew on many unusual things, and socks are one of them. Bernedoodles also chew socks like other dogs, which is nothing more than a nuisance. But the soft, smelly, and stretchy socks are very appealing chew toys for them. Sock stealing can become a big problem for dog owners who don’t train...

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Dogs like to chew on many unusual things, and socks are one of them. Bernedoodles also chew socks like other dogs, which is nothing more than a nuisance. But the soft, smelly, and stretchy socks are very appealing chew toys for them. Sock stealing can become a big problem for dog owners who don’t train their dogs early. Socks are also very dangerous for dogs as they can cause internal blockages and many other problems.

So, if your Bernedoodle is also chewing your socks, it’s not something to joke about. You have to tackle this problem as soon as possible. The best way to resolve this issue is to train your dog instead of leaving your dog to eat socks. Although little chewing of socks is not a big problem, it can become a big concern if your dog eats them. Let’s see why Bernedooles eat socks?

Why do Bernedoodles Eat Socks
Why do Bernedoodles Eat Socks

Reasons why your Bernedoodle eating socks 

1. Socks mixed with their toys 

Some dog owners when they reach home kick their socks off on the floor. These socks can mix with the dog toys on the floor. They smell them and think that these are their playing toys. They pick them up and start playing with them.

2. Resource guarding 

Your Bernedoodle can also eat the socks as a form of resource guarding. This happens when a dog feels threatened and wants to guard his important items such as bones and toys. If your dog is not properly socialized and feels threatened in the presence of other dogs, it may show this kind of behavior.

3. Suffering from Pica

In rare cases, your Bernedoodle can also suffer from the condition called Pica. This condition can lead the dogs to eat a variety of food items such as rocks, leaves, dirt, and socks. Although the exact reason for this condition is unknown, it’s thought that behavioral disorders and digestive issues are linked with it.

4. Teething phase 

Most of the dogs are obvious culprits during their teething phase. They like to explore everything with their mouth during this phase. Even certain breeds and individuals also have a propensity towards this type of habit. It mostly depends upon their drive, energy levels, and desire to chew.

5. Boredom  

Boredom can be another main reason if your dog is eating socks. May your dog is not getting any perfect alternative or appropriate enrichment.

Signs & Symptoms of dogs eating socks 

  • If your dog ingested a sock, wait to see if he managed to pass it when having a bowel movement. However, consulting with your vet is always the best option to prevent serious conditions.
  • Sometimes large dogs poop it out, but you should monitor your dog and ensure that the sock is moving in the intestine and not stuck anywhere.
  • Some of the common signs of internal blockage include vomiting, loss of appetite, nausea, abdominal pain, lethargy, and changes in bowel movement.
  • The blockage symptoms can become serious in days or weeks depending on the blockage, full or partial.
  • The dogs can get severe dehydration and electrolyte abnormalities with this blockage.


Like all other dogs, Bernedoodle also loves to chew soft, smelly, and stretchy socks. They don’t have any danger for them until they eat them. Eating these socks can lead your dog to internal blockage, which can be responsible for their death in some serious cases. If your Bernedoodle is eating the socks, try to contact your veterinarian immediately. Don’t waste your time googling more about the problem. Go to nearest vet immediately.

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Do Bernedoodles Eat Poop? Wed, 02 Mar 2022 08:49:02 +0000 You must be worried about your Bernedoodle’s poop-eating habit? But it’s a common behavior for many dog breeds. Many people think their dog may have a nutritional deficiency or mental problem, but it’s in their nature. If it’s a new habit of your Bernedoodle, then maybe something else is going on, but if it’s not,...

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You must be worried about your Bernedoodle’s poop-eating habit? But it’s a common behavior for many dog breeds. Many people think their dog may have a nutritional deficiency or mental problem, but it’s in their nature. If it’s a new habit of your Bernedoodle, then maybe something else is going on, but if it’s not, then it’s just an unpleasant habit of your dog.

Many studies suggest that one out of six dogs regularly ate poop. And one out of four dogs eats feces at least once. Dogs don’t need to get the nutrition this way, but unfortunately, it’s a natural behavior of many individuals at some stage of their life. They naturally engage in eating their own poop or the poop of the other dogs. Eating their own poop is harmless, but the other dog’s poop can be contaminated with parasites, viruses, or toxins. Let’s see the different reasons for the Bernedoodles poop eating.

Do Bernedoodles Eat Poop
Do Bernedoodles Eat Poop

Different Reasons of the Bernedoodles Poop Eating 

1. Isolation

Most of the dogs start eating the poop when they are kept in their kennels alone for long periods. These dogs are more likely to eat poop than the others who spend most of their time around the people. So, make sure to check for this reason if your Bernedoodle just starts eating the poop.

2. Restricted confinement

Spending too much time on restricted confinement can also cause a problem for your Bernedoodle. Especially if your dog is rescued from a crowded shelter, they can easily get the coprophagia.

3. Anxiety 

Anxiety is another common reason for your dog to start eating poop. Many owners use punishment or harsh methods during the house training, which lead their dog to anxiety. Most individuals eat their own poop to eliminate it. After that, they are punished more, which becomes a vicious cycle.

4. Attention seeking 

Sometimes dogs also eat their own poop to get some attention from their owners. Many people overreact whenever they see their dogs eating poop, which encourages their dogs to show the same behavior again to get attention. So if you think your dog is doing it for attention-seeking, don’t overreact.

5. Inappropriate association with real food

Sometimes, the dogs connect their own poop and food odors due to undigested food particles in the stool. These undigested particles in their stool can indicate some serious health issues.

6. Living with a sick or elderly dog 

Sometimes the healthy dog individuals consume the stools from the weaker canine member of the household. This usually happens in case of fecal incontinence. So, make sure to take notice if your dog is also living with any sick or elderly dog.

7. Your dog may be hungry 

The hungrier dogs are more prone to eat their own poop than the others. But if your dog regularly eats poop, this may not be the case. So, make sure to give your dog enough to eat.

Things to know about dogs poop eating

  • Dog poop eating is a common behavior.
  • Your dog may have some medical condition that increases the appetite. These conditions include diabetes, digestion issues, and brain issues.
  • Some illnesses make their poop more appealing for eating.
  • Most of the poop-eating dogs live with other dogs.
  • Dogs can be infected with hookworms, roundworms, and whipworms as some parasites and their eggs can be found in the poop.
  • Don’t punish or shout at your dog as it can cause more behavioral problems.


Poop eating is normal behavior in many dogs, which can be due to various reasons. The most important reason is anxiety and depression due to living alone for a long time. It’s very frustrating for the owners, as their dogs can be infected with parasites. But make sure to don’t punish or shout at your dog when you see him eating poop, as it can build behavioral problems.

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Can Bernedoodle Eat Salmon? Tue, 01 Mar 2022 08:36:47 +0000 “Yes,” Bernedoodle can eat salmon. It’s a great source of omega-3 fatty acid, which keeps your dog’s coat looking shiny and also decreases inflammation. In fact, many high-quality dog foods contain salmon as a common ingredient. Salmon is the best alternative for dogs that are allergic to common sources of protein like chicken. It’s not...

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“Yes,” Bernedoodle can eat salmon. It’s a great source of omega-3 fatty acid, which keeps your dog’s coat looking shiny and also decreases inflammation. In fact, many high-quality dog foods contain salmon as a common ingredient. Salmon is the best alternative for dogs that are allergic to common sources of protein like chicken. It’s not toxic or harmful for your Bernedoodle and It’s ok to give your dog a small amount of salmon as a dietary addition.

As a balanced diet, make sure to keep the 10 percent rule in mind. Salmon is also full of beneficial fats and nutrients, which are very healthy for your dog. If prepared properly, it can be a great addition to your Bernedoodles regular diet. But some types of salmon can be dangerous for your dog and can cause certain health issues. So make sure to consult with your vet in case of any problem. Let’s see the benefits of salmon for your Bernedoodle.

Can Bernedoodle Eat Salmon
Can Bernedoodle Eat Salmon

The Benefits of Salmon for Bernedoodle

1. Rich in vitamins 

Salmon is rich in vitamins, which makes it perfect for your canine friends. It contains vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin D, and vitamin K, which are all the essential vitamins for the dog’s overall health. This nutrient-dense ingredient makes it a perfect treat for your Bernedoodle.

2. Helps in brain development 

Salmon contains DHA Omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial building blocks in the development of the brain and eyes. It improves the memory and cognitive abilities of your Bernedoodle. And healthy cognitive development can easily lead your dog to better trainability.

3. Helps in normal function and growth 

Salmon is rich in fat-soluble vitamins, which aids in blood clotting, maintain bone and heart health, and assist energy production. A group of vitamin K is found in salmon, which aids in your Bernedoodle’s normal function and growth.

4. Reduce the inflammation 

The fish oil from salmon reduces the inflammation in dogs by decreasing the production of cytokines. The EPA Omega-3 found in salmon ease skin allergies and keep your dog’s skin and coat looking healthy.

5. Helps in muscle development 

A single serving of salmon contains 6g of protein, which is good for maintaining and building the muscles of your Bernedoodle. It provides them enough energy to stay active throughout the day.

Things to remember before serving the salmon to Bernedoodle

  • Don’t feed the raw or undercooked salmon to your Bernedoodle. The raw salmon contains parasites and bacteria, which can cause poisoning for your dog.
  • If you notice any signs of salmon poisoning, such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, depression, dehydration, or extreme weight loss, make sure to consult with your vet immediately.
  • The properly cooked and boneless salmon is perfect for dogs.
  • Serve your dog with an appropriate piece of salmon, and limit the intake once a week or less.
  • You can serve the canned salmon to your dog, but the best option is to choose the one with water.


Bernedoodles can eat salmon just like a human. In fact, it has many health benefits for them. It’s rich in essential vitamins necessary for the dog’s growth, development, and brain function. It also reduces the inflammation in the dog’s body. But make sure to don’t serve the Bernedoodle with raw salmon. A properly cooked, boneless salmon is perfect for your Bernedoodle.

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Can Bernedoodle Eat Watermelon? Mon, 28 Feb 2022 08:33:07 +0000 The short answer is “Yes.” Bernedoodles can eat this delicious and juicy fruit. This fleshy pink fruit is loaded with many healthy nutrients, which makes it good for canine friends. But some parts of this fruit are not good for the dogs, such as seeds. These can cause intestinal blockage, which is very painful for...

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The short answer is “Yes.” Bernedoodles can eat this delicious and juicy fruit. This fleshy pink fruit is loaded with many healthy nutrients, which makes it good for canine friends. But some parts of this fruit are not good for the dogs, such as seeds. These can cause intestinal blockage, which is very painful for dogs. Sometimes this blockage becomes serious enough that it requires surgery to correct.

It’s also advised to don’t give the outer green layer to your Bernedoodle as it can cause gastrointestinal distress, which is responsible for vomiting and diarrhea. The Watermelon fruit is a healthy snack for your Bernedoodle in small quantities. You can remove the rinds and seeds and freeze the fruit in the freezer for the hot summer day. This treat will help your dog to cool down. Let’s see the health benefits of Watermelon for your Bernedoodle.

Can Bernedoodle Eat WATER MELON

The Benefits of Watermelon for Bernedoodle

1. Cooldown your dog 

Watermelon works the same as for humans; this delicious fruit simmers down your Bernedoodle on a hot summer day. It’s packed with 92% water, which satisfies your dog’s growling tummy and cools him down at the same time.

2. Manage the weight 

Eating Watermelon is also helpful for your dog to manage its weight. So a bite-sized watermelon cube is perfect rather than giving a calorie bomb in the form of jerkies and pastries. Watermelon is loaded with water and very filling to your dog. The most important thing is that it has no fat or cholesterol. A cup of Watermelon only contains 50 calories.

3. Improve digestion health 

Watermelon aids in the digestive health of your Bernedoodle by building your dog’s stool. It promotes the movement of food along their intestines. As a result, your dog will relieve constipation, promotes regular bowel movement, and improve colon health.

4. Great sweet treat 

Watermelon is a great sweet treat for your dog, which may contain fructose and fruit sugar. The high fiber content of the Watermelon prevents the quick release of sugar into the bloodstream. So, it’s a good treat for diabetic dogs occasionally.

5. Improve eyesight 

Watermelon also improves your dog’s vision and lowers the risk of blindness, cataracts, and macular degeneration as he ages. This sweet and delicious treat contains beta-carotene, which converts into Vitamin A in their liver.

6. Fight the free radical damage

Watermelon is rich in antioxidants and prevents free radicals from cell damage. These antioxidants also fight inflammation and strengthen the dog’s immune system.

7. Regulate enzymatic processes 

Watermelon also promotes the hormones produced in the thyroid gland. These are the important hormones for the dog’s growth, development, and energy. Additionally, your dog’s blood function is also maintained with the Watermelon.

Things to remember before serving the Watermelon to Bernedodole

  • Make sure to don’t provide the watermelon rind to your dog. The rind is too tough for the dogs to break and can cause digestive issues for your Bernedoodle.
  • Seeds can cause intestinal blockage for your Bernedoodle, which is a painful condition for any dog.
  • Too much Watermelon can cause problems for your dog. You have to keep in mind that the occasional treats should not be more than 10% of your dog’s diet to prevent obesity and diabetes.
  • If your dog has diabetes, you shouldn’t offer the Watermelon until you discuss it with your veterinarian.


Bernedoodles can eat Watermelon, but make sure to provide it in moderation. Watermelon has many health benefits for the dogs, as they are filled with many healthy nutrients. But make sure to don’t offer them the watermelon seeds and grinds. These can be responsible for their intestinal blockage.


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