What are the 5 Most Common Illnesses in Dogs ? Symptoms and Preventions
Having a dog seems like it’s all fetch and pats on the head; owning one should not be taken lightly. Many diseases can befall dogs, and it’s important to be aware of the most common illnesses in dogs to keep them healthy. Much like a child, a dog can get sick too – especially because we often let them roam around outside with little supervision.
This is not a Medical Advise or Prescription. Always consult your vet for any emergency or treatment. This is only a guide for you to understand symptoms.
It’s not uncommon for a dog to get into the trash bin, drink from ponds and yes, even eat other
animals’ excrement. If your dog has been raised outside, chances are they have done this
before and maybe even didn’t have complications later. Still, it’s important to not only watch your
dog while outside but also watch for key signs that they might be getting sick.
Yearly checkups are a great way to keep your pup’s health in check. Pet Insurance companies
can help ensure you get an appointment and catch up on your dog’s health.
1. Ear Infections
These are one of the most common issues with dogs. From swimming in the ocean to playing
in the snow, a dog’s ears are one of the most sensitive parts of its body.
Bacteria in the water, climate changes, and even soap can all cause irritation to your dog. If left
untreated, these infections can even cause hearing loss and other permanent damage.
Common Symptoms:
? Odor in the ear
? Redness inside of the ear
? Yellow, brown, or bloody discharge
? Scratching or pawing at the ear
? Swelling of the ear
? Head shaking or tilting
? Crusts or scabs just inside the ear
? Rubbing ear on floor or furniture
2. Dental Issues
Just like humans, dogs can get diseases such as gingivitis, cavities, and dental abscesses. This
is just another reason that it’s important to have insurance for your pet. Most commonly, periodontitis is reported in dogs. This disease can spread to the bones of your pet’s jaw and cause irreversible damage. Worst of all, it can be a difficult infection to spot.
Common Symptoms:
? Discolored teeth
? Excessively bad breath
? Excessive drooling
? Been bleeding on toys
It may be time to get them checked out by a professional. Remember, dogs can’t ask for
help, so please keep a close eye on your pet at all times to make sure that they are
getting the proper care and attention they need!
3. Urinary Problems
While it may not be as common as it is with humans, some dogs – especially young
females – tend to have urinary issues. This includes UTIs and other related illnesses.
Some things to watch for are:
? Bloody/cloudy urine
? Accidents in the house
? Straining or whimpering during urination
? Fever
? More frequent trips to the bathroom
? Licking
These types of urinary issues can do terrible damage to a dog’s liver and other internal
organs if left untreated. Luckily, UTIs can be easily fixed! However, there are many other
diseases that these symptoms could be hinting at. You must consult your vet before drawing any conclusions on your own.
4. Obesity
While it may seem silly to think that pets can become obese – it is usually the fault of the owner.
We understand, those eyes and ears seem to work the treats right out of your hands and into
their mouths.
Still, you should not be giving your pet treats so frequently that they gain a significant amount of
weight. And, while a doctor can tell you if your pet is medically obese, there are many ways to
avoid weight gain in furry friends.
? Using ice cubes as “treats.”
? Going for walks
? More Playtime
? Less frequent treats
All of these things tie together and help towards lowering and maintaining a healthy weight for
your pup.
5. Parasites and Worms
Five main types of worms commonly affect domestic dogs: heartworms, roundworms, tapeworms, whipworms, and hookworms. If your dog vomits with visible worms in it. This is probably the most obvious sign that something is right with your dog.
What should you do:
Dogs do vomit from time to time for different reasons and sometimes, it may be a problem that resolves itself. However, if your dog continues to throw up or has diarrhea or a combination of these symptoms, it’s best to take them to the vet.
These symptoms are signs that your dog may have eaten something with worms or parasites in
it. Tapeworms are another common issue with dogs who venture outside often. These can easily
be cured with help from your vet. Always check if your dog is acting strangely or continuing to have symptoms.
How Can I Keep My Dog Healthy?
There are a few things that you can do to help keep your dog healthy:
1. Vaccinate your dog regularly:
This is one of the best ways to prevent illnesses from affecting your dog’s health. Make sure to get them vaccinated against common diseases like rabies, parvovirus, distemper, and kennel cough.
2. Clean up their environment:
This includes cleaning their Kennel area regularly (at least once a week) and making sure that they never have access to dirty water or toys that could contain bacteria or parasites.
3. Provide plenty of good food and water:
Make sure that their diet consists mostly of dry food rather than wet food (which can contain unhealthy fats).
If you make sure just of these three things, you will never be in trouble. We hope our guide has helped you understand common illnesses in dogs and what you can do to prevent them. If you still have any questions for us, write them down in the comments. We will make sure to reply as soon as possible. Thank you