What does each letter and number mean in F1b Bernedoodle? There are two different letters and a number F1b
The F1b is the further division of the first generation of the Bernedoodles. When we talk about the F1 generation, it is 50% Bernese mountain dog and 50% poodle. The F1b is the further division of this generation with 75% poodle and 25% Bernese mountain dog.
When we think further about the F1b, there are two different letters and a number in this. Both letters and a number have their specific meanings in this generation’s name. Let’s discuss these separately to know more about the basic terminology of these letters and numbers.
“F” in F1b
F1b entirely is a Bernedoodle generation. In the basic terminology, the F in F1b stands for filial. Filial is a word that is used to designate the sequence of a different generation. Filial is the first generation produced by the set of parents in offspring. So, in short, we can say that the F stands for the filial generation.
“1” in F1b
When we talk about the Bernedoodle breeding, the F1b generation is the further division of the F1 generation. In the F1 generation, the one stands for the very first cross for the Bernedoodles. So we can say that the one stands for the first cross in the Bernese mountain dog and the poodle. In short, we can say that F1 stands for the first filial generation.
“B” in F1b
The first generation of the Bernedoodles can be divide into two categories, the first one is F1, and the second one is F1b generation. In the first generation F1, there is no third letter, which means this is the first category of the first generation. In the first generation F1b the third letter indicates the second category of the first generation. So we can say that the b in F1b shows the types of the first generation and point to the second category of the first generation.
From all the above discussion, we can conclude that all the two letters and a number have their specific meaning in the F1b generation name. Moreover, it is the name of the first generation of the Bernedoodles, which lies in the second category of the first generation. Here the F men “filial, 1 mean the first generation, and the b stands for the second category. So, in short, we can say that the F1b stands for the first filial generation of the Bernedoodles, which lies in the second category of the first generation.