How much is a pure bred Bernedoodle? The most expensive Bernedoodle dog

When we talk about the cost of the Bernedoodle dogs, the purely bred Bernedoodles are the most expensive dogs as compared to the others. Pure Bernedoodles are free from any breeding defects as compared to other Bernedoodles. Sometimes due to the inexperience of the breeder are due to some other usual facts, there are little defects in the breeding process, which reflect in the Bernedoodle puppy. These are very usual and can happen at any time. But when a breeder gets a perfect purebred Bernedoodle dog, this reflects in the price of that Bernedoodle as well.

How much is a pure bred Bernedoodle

Purebred Bernedoodles are obtained by crossing the Bernese mountain dog and the poodle. So we can also say that they are the F1 generation of the Bernedoodles. Moreover, the purebred Bernedoodles are less prone to health issues as compared to the other generations. Let’s see the different sizes and of the pure Bernedoodles to know more about their cost.

Different sizes of purebred Bernedoodles

A purebred Bernedoodle puppy can come in three different sizes depending upon the size of the poodle. The main three sizes of the pure Bernedoodle are standard, Miniature, and toy purebred Bernedoodle. When we talk about the standard size, it the biggest size in the pure Bernedoodles. Usually, the bigger sizes are less expensive as compared to the smaller sizes. So you can expect to pay the minimum price in the range of $3000 to $5000 for a standard purebred Bernedoodle.

When we talk about the Miniature purebred Bernedoodle, it is the medium size of the purebred Bernedoodle. This size purebred Bernedoodles are a little expensive as compared to the standard size. So you can expect to pay around $4000 for a purebred Miniature Bernedoodles.

When we talk about the toy purebred Bernedoodle, they are the most demanding purebred Bernedoodles in the people. Their more demand also reflects in their price as well. They are expensive compared to the other two sizes. You can expect to pay a maximum in the range of $3000 to $4000 for a purebred toy Bernedoodle.

The price of the purebred Bernedoodles can also be vary depending upon a lot of other factors. These factors include their coat type, coat color, geographical location, and breeder. But these factors affect less when we talk about the purebred Bernedoodles.


From all the above discussion, we can conclude that the purebred Bernedoodles are a little expensive as compared to other Bernedoodles. This is due to their unique qualities like they are less prone to health issues as compared to others. There are a lot of other factors which involve in the purebred Bernedoodle cost, as discussed above. So you can expect to pay little more for a purebred Bernedoodle as compared to others.

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