Who Are The Parents of a Bernedoodle?

A Bernedoodle is officially obtained by crossing the Bernese mountain dog with Poodle in 2003. So we can say that the primary parents of the Bernedoodles are the Bernese mountain dog and the poodle. But when we talk about the different generations of the Bernedoodle, the parents also changed for these generations.

In the F1b generation, a Bernedoodle of the F1 generation is crossed with the poodle. Similarly, in the F2 generation, the male Bernedoodle of the F1 generation is crossed with the female Bernedoodle of the F1 generation.

what are the parents of a Bernedoodle

Although the parents are changes in each generation, we can say that the primary parents of a Bernedoodle dog are still Bernese Mountain Dog and the Poodle. Moreover, the different sizes of the poodle are used to get the different sizes of the Bernedoodles. Let’s discuss further the Bernese mountain dog and the poodle to know more about the Bernedoodle parents.

Bernese Mountain Dog

Bernes Mountain DogThe male Bernese mountain dog is a bigger size dog as compared to the poodle. Bernese mountain dog is brilliant and loyal to families. Moreover, these dogs have a special bonding with the children. It’s challenging to re-home these dogs in his life when they make a bond with any family. These dogs come with a beautiful tri-color coat, which includes white, black, and brown colors. They are perfect for tracking, herding, and agility.

When we talk about the health issues of the Bernese mountain dog, the main health problems of these dogs are hip and elbow dysplasia, heart diseases, cancer, and epilepsy. The leading cause of death in the Bernese Mountain is cancer. Bernese Mountain has a shorter life span as compared to the poodle. Moreover, these dogs are usually hard to train. These dogs are less socialized and even become stubborn due to lack of attention.

Poodle Dog

The PoodleThe poodle is a female dog in the Bernedoodle crossing and has a less size as compared to the Bernese mountain dog. These dogs are much more intelligent and easy to train as compared to a Bernese mountain dog. Moreover, the Bernedoodle hypo-allergic coat has mostly resembled the poodle coat. These doors are very goofy and funny and considered the clown of the dog world. Their different sizes help to obtain the different sizes of the Bernedoodles.

The poodle dog has a single coat layer as compared to a maximum number of double-layered coat dogs. Moreover, its coat is a little bit curlier and requires some attention to prevent mats. They may have some severe health problems, including eye, skin, digestive, and immune system issues.


From all the above discussion, we can conclude that the different generations of the Bernedoodles are there. But the primary parents of the Bernedoodles are the Bernese mountain dog and the poodle. Bernedoodle dogs inherited the best traits from their parents.

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